What’s your purpose?

    • Eggs: Go for high-laying heritage breeds.
    • Meat: Dual-purpose or meat-specific breeds are ideal.
    • Companions: Bantams are small, friendly, and great for backyards.

    • Space: Match the breed to your coop size.
    • Time: Some breeds need more care than others.
    • Environment: Pick breeds suited to your climate.

    • Traits: Check temperament, size, and productivity.
    • Health: Proper care ensures your chickens thrive.
    • Regulations: Verify local rules for keeping chickens.


Chicks are young birds typically between 1 to 4 weeks old. They are delicate and require a warm, controlled environment for growth. At this stage, they are perfect for buyers who wish to nurture and raise them from the beginning

Fully Feathered Birds

Fully feathered birds are more mature, aged 6 to 12 weeks, and have developed their complete feather set. These birds are independent and ready to thrive outdoors, making them ideal for buyers who prefer low-maintenance options with visible feather patterns.

Hens (Mature Birds)

Hens are fully grown birds aged 20 weeks and above, also known as point-of-lay or laying hens. They are ready to provide eggs or can be used for breeding, making them perfect for immediate productivity and long-term investments.